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Tours, Strolls, and Delaware County Historical Society YouTube videos 

Historical Marker Bicycle or Walking Tour of Delaware

Ready for an adventure? Grab some friends and ride your bicycles on this tour of Delaware's historic markers. Can you find all 17 markers? Here is a handout that will guide your trip. Follow bicycle traffic rules and wear a helmet! Map.  Markers are identified by red heart pins. 

Teachers: Use this resource to help students synthesize their learning by writing their own historical markers. HERE

sandusky street photo dchs website.jpg

Delaware County Historical Society
YouTube Videos

The Delaware County Historical Society creates is known for its numerous in-person and recorded educational programs. This list is ever-changing so feel free to check out our YouTube Channel for updates. 


A complete list of our available videos is found HERE.



The following are a few of those videos listed in the document above:

From Slavery to Freedom  presented by Mark Butler, Francine Butler, Karen Hildebrand, and Watson Walker

This program is available to schools and home school programs at no cost until June 2021. Watson Walker is available to answer questions about this period in Delaware County history. Contact the Historical Society to schedule at:


The Cellar Family History presented by T.K. Cellar

T.K. Cellar's ancestors settled in Delaware County Ohio in 1802. He shares his rich family history with area 3rd grade students.

Press here for a safe youtube link. 

Nash House: A Brief Visit  presented by Maggie Webb

Enjoy this brief tour of the Nash House Museum in Delaware County, Ohio. Then, come visit us for a full tour guided by a docent from the Delaware County Historical Society.

 Nash House safe YouTube Link Here

The Meeker Homestead: A Brief Visit presented by Benny Shoults

Enjoy this brief tour of the Meeker Homestead Museum in Delaware County, Ohio. Then, come visit us for a full tour guided by a docent from the Delaware County Historical Society.

Meeker Homestead Safe YouTube Link Here

What is an Artifact? presented by Diane Williams


This video was created by the Delaware County Historical Society for teachers and families to use while schools are closed and learning at home is in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the at-home version of our Ohio Content Standards based "What Is An Artifact?" program geared toward 1st-4th graders.

What is an Artifact Safe YouTube Link Here


History of the Delaware Jail presented by Brent Carson

Video snippets of the 2019 Old Jail Tour as given by Delaware County (Ohio) Historical Society volunteers, Dave Hejmanowski and Brent Carson.

Delaware Jail Safe YouTube Link Here

The Flood of 1913 presented by Brent Carson

A walking tour of a few of the areas affected by the Flood of 1913. 

Flood Tour Safe YouTube Link Here

William Little and the History of Delaware, Ohio  presented by Brent Carson

Hear the story of William Little, one of Delaware's original settlers. 

William Little Safe YouTube Link Here.

Delaware, Ohio Ghost Tour presented by Jeff Darbee

Learn about the ghosts haunting Northwest Neighborhood of the city of Delaware.

Delaware Ghost Tour Safe YouTube Link Here

© 2020 by Delaware County Historical Society. Proudly created with

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