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Delaware County, Ohio

Interactive Delaware County Timeline

This interactive, Google Slides timeline has links that allow the viewer to follow Delaware County's history. Events are color-coded for Early People and American Indians, Early European Settlers, and African Americans. Slides are here.

Please open and click on PRESENT in the top right corner to see the presentation properly and to have active links. 

To download and share, you will need to "Save a Copy" to your own Google Drive.

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Prehistoric to 1770 American Indians in Delaware County, Ohio Timeline

A brief timeline of prehistoric and 1770 American Indians living in the area of Ohio. 

Find a PDF here. 

Cultural Communities 1770-1850 Delaware County Timeline

A brief timeline of events in Delaware County, Ohio from 1770-1850. Download the timeline here.

© 2020 by Delaware County Historical Society. Proudly created with

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