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2024-25 Delaware County Historical Society School Programs Flyer
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These pages are intended for educators, parents, and those interested in the history and culture of Delaware County. Included are walks, projects, handouts, PowerPoints, links to videos, and more.
Activities to extend the learning are found on the Activities of the Past and Local History Pages. Explore and discover your county's history. Enjoy!
You can find useful photos, maps, information, reading recommendations, video links, and other handouts here.

School Programs
What is an Artifact? 1st, 2nd grades
This program is designed to help students discover what an artifact is and the importance of studying them. Students learn that it is a necessity to research until facts are found to support your ideas.
Delaware County Then and Now Artifact Cart 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades
Students view the artifacts, and based on their observations, share ideas about the items’ original use.
How and Why a Town Begins 1st -11th grades
Why did our first settlers choose Delaware as their new settlement? Brent Carson walks us through the places where and reasons why our ancestors developed this area for instance adequate natural resources including water, trees, and animals for food.
Scavenger Hunt in the Cryder Research Center 3rd grade Students explore our Cryder Library Resource Center and learn about the many artifacts displayed there. This tour is often paired with Tour of the Nash House.
Teacher Tote Bag Program-FREE Neither in person nor online. 3rd grade The bag consists of copies of archival photos and documents about the development of Delaware County. Each bag also contains: two DVDs, all of the Society’s brochures, a copy of Jeffrey Darbee’s Delaware and Delaware County, a folder on the history of the Nash House, and a teacher resource folder with lesson ideas. This educational resource may be checked out for the school year and returned in May. *Contact us for delivery of your Tote Bag.
Tour of the Nash House 3rd grade Tour the beautiful Nash House, built in 1878 by the Slattery family. Learn about the Slatterys and three generations of the Nash family who lived in this home. Visitors step back to the late 1800s and early 1900s. This tour is often paired with the Scavenger Hunt in Cryder Research Center.
Walking Tour of Early Delaware 3rd grade How did the city of Delaware begin? On this walking tour students will hear stories from the beginnings of the city of Delaware. Usually paired with a Nash House tour and Scavenger Hunt at the Cryder Research Center.
Walking Tour on Winter Street 3rd grade Hear about the families who built the homes on historic Winter Street when Delaware was new and growing as you walk down the street.
Early Schools of Delaware County 3rd-8th grades What would it be like to attend school in 19th century Liberty Township? To schedule this program only email: stansherrycarmichael@msn.com
Rutherford B. Hayes 3rd-11th grades Our 19th president was born in Delaware, Oh. What were his accomplishments here and for the nation? Video available online. PowerPoint coming soon!
From Slavery to Freedom 3rd-8th grades
This video features the African Americans who lived and worked in Delaware County and northern Franklin County and includes the history of Africa Road, the Underground Railroad, the Lucy Depp Settlement, the Alum Creek Quaker abolitionists, and more. The author of the program, Watson Walker, is available to do ZOOM participation with the video to provide a question-and-answer session before or after the video. To schedule this as an in-person program, please contact Mr. Walker directly at watson19869670@att.net.
The Underground Railroad Experience Two programs from which to choose 4th, 5th, 8th grades
The UGRR experience may be adapted to fit your time and topics. Choose the program in its entirety or a few vignettes.
Imagine being a part of the Underground Railroad. Reenactors portray Mrs. Patience Meeker and Mr. William Cratty, two early Delaware County residents. Tour the Meeker property to find out why the Meekers settled here and their impact on Delaware.
Hear the voices of our early residence during the UGRR time through Reader’s Theatre at the Stratford Barn OR your venue.
Early Settlers and American Indians of Delaware County 4th,5th, 7th, 8th grades
Delaware County was home to the Wyandot, Shawnee, Lenape, and Seneca Cayuga (Mingo) tribes. Participants rotate through several stations to learn about our prehistoric and historic native people as well as the European people who began to move to this area in the 1700s. Vignettes may include stories about Pluggy’s Town, American Indian games, the Three sisters, and journal entries from Mrs. Byxbe, the Rev. Finley, and the Cellar family. Access a teacher packet with vocabulary, timelines, maps, and post-visit activities on this page and on this page.
Cultural Communities: Early Settlers and American Indians 1770-1850 8th-11th grades Hear the stories of our early settlers and American Indians. How did they live together in our county while maintaining their cultural differences? Vignettes include the words of Laura Carpenter, William Little, Reverend James Finley, Dolly Byxbe, Benjamin Franklin Thomas, and stories about Africa, Ohio, Drake’s Defeat, American Indian Games, and dances inspired by the traditions of the Lenni Lenape. The full in-person program is 75 minutes including the introduction, closing, and narrations. This video won the Ohio Local History Alliance’s 2021 History Outreach Award. For a link to the video, please contact programs@delawareohiohistory.org.
To fit your time schedule and class content you may select several presentations from the vignettes and stories above. This program may be scheduled as an in-person presentation at the Meeker Homestead or your venue. On our website, you will find seven interdisciplinary lesson plans and rubrics related to this program that you may download for free. https://www.delawareohiovirtualhistory.com/early-settlers
Cultural Communities: Stories from South Delaware (city) 3rd-11th grades
This interactive program takes your class on a tour of Delaware’s south ward. Mr. Watson visits your class in advance to inspire the students with stories of the area. Students research Delaware’s early black settlers and then present their findings while touring the area.
The Delaware County Historical Society offers numerous programs for educators, students, seniors, and organizations. All programs are guided by Ohio Department of Education Social Studies learning standards and are written by current and retired educators. The programs below are organized by grade level. Grade levels are suggested based on academic content standards. All presenters are volunteers and so program scheduling is subject to volunteer availability. We now offer programs in-person , online , or both . To schedule a live program please contact us at schools@delawareohiohistory.org or online at https://delawareohiohistory.org/curriculum-support/
Scholarships may be available for some programs.
Most programs will follow the following fee framework:
Number of students Fee
0-50 $50
51-100 $100
101-150 $150
151-200 $200
If a program is scheduled for two consecutive days, the first day will be full price and the second day’s fee will be half of the first day.
BARN PROGRAM FEE- $6 per student
The Delaware County Historical Society is a nonprofit institution.
Find out more at www.delawareohiohistory.org
If you enjoyed these activities, please consider making a donation to
the Delaware County Historical Society on the website above.